

                         救人是他的天職 但醫生不是神 只是凡人 ~~~by 白色巨塔



2004上演時, 非常轟動, 它討論到醫生的職業道德和更深沉的人性層面;

讓觀眾發現: 原來醫院充滿了人性間黑暗與名利鬥爭

(其實, 和社會上每個機構都一樣的;)

看完的人, 無不對片尾曲印象深刻...



這首Amazing grace就是白色巨塔的片尾曲,

作曲者有一種說法 說是蘇格蘭當地的民謠!

英文歌詞則為美國人John Newton所寫 (註1 )


是一位來自紐西蘭基督城的小女孩Hayley Westenra

那清亮而潔淨的嗓音,那一年, 芸兒每次聽完 每次都全然的感動



芸兒在猜, 或許導演選擇這首曲子, 是告訴觀眾,



然而, 芸兒認為:


只要存善心 相信都會有自己的 奇異而美好的恩典


Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace that fear relieved
How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come 'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far
And grace will lead me home

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believer's ear
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds And drives away his fear
Must Jesus bear the cross alone And all the world go free

No, there's a cross for everyone
And there's a cross for me.
When we've been here ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise than when we first begun












註1 :  蘇菲亞小姐在318發表的文章, 有這首詩歌的由來和完整介紹哦!

註2: 《Amazing Grace》亦常被使用為電影插曲,如最近的(2004)【大智若魚】(Big Fish)及【地下鐵】(Sound of Colors)。已推出上千個版本,包括有貓王、美國靈魂樂教母艾瑞莎弗蘭克林、B.J 湯瑪斯、洛史都華、茱蒂柯林絲…等這些超級巨星都出過《Amazing Grace》專輯,英國前衛另類迷幻名團形而上樂團(Spiritualized)也出版過,甚至連維也納童聲合唱團和世界三大男高音也曾唱過。西方歌手演唱此曲的版本很多,但以茱蒂柯琳絲(Judy Collins)的版本採用無樂器伴奏的人聲(accapella)表現,最能表達原曲聖潔祥和的懾人氣氛,至今仍是不可取代的首選。





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